In this special podcast I speak with 4 of the Hodlercon teams organizers. Each sharing with me how they got into crypto, how they all met and what made organize the fun packed Hodlercon!
Grab your Plane Ticket✈️ , Your Event Ticket🎟️, and Hotel Room🛌 ! Hodlercon is coming up June 17th through June 26th!
Hodlercon Details:
The Anti-Conference Conference born of a meme on subreddit /r/ETHFinance, come join us on the beautiful island of Oahu! Drink a Mai Tai. Soak in the sun. Talk about ETH.
Early registrants will get a POAP before the end of May! Also, keep an eye out for the Beach Bums NFT Launch coming soon, an announcement will be made on ETHFinance and Hodlercon twitter @HodlerCon.
Twitter: @PhilipChilds_
Reddit: /u/childsp
Twitter: @wizardofhex
Reddit: /u/wizardofhex
Twitter: @hel_eth_na
Reddit: /u/DoubtStarsAreFire
Twitter: @shtimseht
Reddit: /u/shtimseht
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